
Thursday, July 19, 2012

U.S. Armed Forces bronies not above the rules

Recently Fox News posted an article about Military Bronies. The article focuses on the fact that soldiers shouldn't be putting Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on their utilities.

And you know what? THEY'RE RIGHT.

Let's be real here. Its great that you love the show. It's great that you enjoy the messages of love and tolerance. It's great that you are proud of your fandom. But remember, we may be bronies, but we're members of the armed forces first and foremost. This isn't a job, it's a lifestyle. Watching My Little Pony is just a hobby, and wearing MLP patches is not authorized. It doesn't matter if this was a harmless convention. This is a uniform violation and you can get in huge trouble for it.

We at FOB Equestria believe that any person wearing their uniform should ensure that they are following the proper uniform regulations set down by their respective branch of service. Not every uniform is the same and not every nation has the same uniform regulations. We encourage you to take another look at your uniform regulation orders so we can avoid a fiasco like this in the future.

This is not conducive to mission accomplishment. We aren't trying to send the message that Military Bronies are a bunch of rebels who don't care about the rules. This isn't helping us in our mission of painting the Brony fandom or the military in a positive light. If anything, it's done some irreparable damage. We can't get these pictures off the internet now and the nice lady who wrote the article isn't going to take down her article no matter how much we plead. Military Bronies have only recently begun to emerge as a community, and we're not off to a good start here.

Let me make one thing clear: We are not above the rules.


Originally posted at written by Commander Firebrand

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