
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Contra Costa alarming food crisis

I know this is not MLP FiM or pony related news but I thought this was quite alarming news in Contra Costa

A landmark study released today by the Food Bank of Contra Costa that there is an alarming number of families that are unable to put food on the table. There is about 96,000 adults in Contra Costa County that are food unsecured. Contra Costa county ranks among the highest in the State of California for families sruggling to put food on the table.

According to the data from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), more than 3.7 million Californians experienced food insecurity.. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods. In 2007 2.8 million Californians  struggled to put food on the table.

Locally, 96,000 adults and families in Contra Costa County are estimated to be food insecure. This means that within the county, 58% of all adults with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level(less than $36,000 a year for family of three) struggle to afford adequate, nutritious food and ranks the highest in the state.

Some relief for households in need has been provided by CalFresh, Formerly the food stamp program, Throughout Contra Costa County, Estimated 66,000 people received CalFresh a 109% increase since September 2006. Currently, the average monthly CalFresh benefit is $146 per person

"Residents of Contra Costa County have been unable to escape the nagative impact of the national and global economic crisis. While our economy recovers, s jobs are created, we must be sure that basic needs like food are being met," Said Larry Sly, executive director of the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Conuty

While assistance like CalFresh is helping vulnerable individuals and families meet basic needs, more should be done. California ranks among the worst states for participation in federal nutrition assistance. According to USDA, only 50% of eligible households are served by CalFresh. In an important step in improviong participation, the Governor recently signed legislation that removes barriers to CalFresh for eligible Californians. At the federal level, advocates are urging Congress to spare nutrition programs for bugdge cuts. "Given the extent of food insecurity in Contra Costa County and across in the country, we must not undermine critical efforts to protect families against huger, and improve health through good nutrition," said Hecht.

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