
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Learn a pony a day: Cheerilee

Cheerilee is an Earth pony in Ponyville and a supporting character in the show. She teaches at the Ponyville Schoolhouse.


Cheerilee shares her design and name with a G-3 Earth pony. She is a unicorn pony in My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow, and her design was combined with Cherry Blossom to create her Core 7 incarnation, which developed into her current appearance. In the Core 7 series, she is the older sister of Scootaloo and her main personality trait is intelligence.

Other Depictions:

Cheerilee's appearances outside of the show often use an alternate cutie mark design: a smiling flower with two smaller flowers and four green leaves, as opposed to three smiling flowers with pink petals

Cheerilee is frequently featured in Hasbro's toy line, with her cutie mark always using the alternate design on the toy themselves but sometimes using the in-show design on their packaging. Her model for some of the toys is sometimes the same model used for Pinkie Pie's toys, and sometimes Applejack's toys.

A Cheerilee mini-figure and collector card appear in the second EU wave of "mystery pack" toys, respectively using a repaint and recolor of Applejack's Earth pony mold and model. Her color are mostly screen-accurate, although her cutie mark uses the alternate design. Her mystery pack is embossed with the number 13, for easy identification

Cheerilee, along with a host of characters for the show, appears on the Comic Con 2011 promotional poster.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Learn a pony a day: Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom is a school-age Earth pony. She is the younger sister of Big Macintosh and Applejack and is the granddaughter Granny Smith. She is a member of the Apple family in Ponyville. She is a supporting character who takes a lead role in several episodes. Apple Bloom is one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, and she was the only named school-age pony until Boast Buster and the only filly with a speaking role until Call of the Cutie. Like the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders, she doesn't have her cutie mark yet. She has been shown to have skills in renovation and production,  such as restoring the clubhouse. Applejack shows to the Cutie Mark Crusaders in The Show Stoppers.

Production and development

Apple bloom was designed by Lauren Faust for her "pitch bible" for the show in 2008. She was named Appleseed, but the name ran into copyright issues, leading to the current name. She shares her color scheme with several previous-generation ponies;: Sun shimmer, a G-3 Earth pony; Sunburst a G-1 Mountain bay pony; and Fiesta Flair a G-3 pony was only featured in the direct-to video productions. Apple Bloom  shares her talent at carpentry, art and design with Toola-Roola, a G-3 earth pony which later became one of the core 7 ponies. Apple Bloom is voiced by Michelle Creber, who is also the singing voice of Sweetie Belle.


Apple Bloom's first appearance is in Friendship is Magic, part 1, where she makes a brief appearance at the Apple family reunion. She first balances a large cake on her back while being introduced by Applejack. After Twilight announces she can't stay for brunch, Apple Bloom pleads her to stay with puppy-eyes. Near the end of the episode when Night Mare Moon appears, she appears again. She huddles together with the ponies who would later be her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, though this was an oversight on the part of the scene's layout artist.

Originally posted at

Bay Area Drivers Could Be Tracked By GPS, Taxed Per Mile Driven « CBS San Francisco

Bay Area Drivers Could Be Tracked By GPS, Taxed Per Mile Driven « CBS San Francisco

U.S. Armed Forces bronies not above the rules

Recently Fox News posted an article about Military Bronies. The article focuses on the fact that soldiers shouldn't be putting Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on their utilities.

And you know what? THEY'RE RIGHT.

Let's be real here. Its great that you love the show. It's great that you enjoy the messages of love and tolerance. It's great that you are proud of your fandom. But remember, we may be bronies, but we're members of the armed forces first and foremost. This isn't a job, it's a lifestyle. Watching My Little Pony is just a hobby, and wearing MLP patches is not authorized. It doesn't matter if this was a harmless convention. This is a uniform violation and you can get in huge trouble for it.

We at FOB Equestria believe that any person wearing their uniform should ensure that they are following the proper uniform regulations set down by their respective branch of service. Not every uniform is the same and not every nation has the same uniform regulations. We encourage you to take another look at your uniform regulation orders so we can avoid a fiasco like this in the future.

This is not conducive to mission accomplishment. We aren't trying to send the message that Military Bronies are a bunch of rebels who don't care about the rules. This isn't helping us in our mission of painting the Brony fandom or the military in a positive light. If anything, it's done some irreparable damage. We can't get these pictures off the internet now and the nice lady who wrote the article isn't going to take down her article no matter how much we plead. Military Bronies have only recently begun to emerge as a community, and we're not off to a good start here.

Let me make one thing clear: We are not above the rules.


Originally posted at written by Commander Firebrand

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

TARA STRONG interview Comic Con

Breitbart’s Kurt Schlichter models ‘My Little Pony’ gear for charity

At last, those who raised nearly $2,800 for the Wounded Warrior Project can reap their reward; photographic evidence of Col. Kurt Schlichter out and about sporting a Pinkie Pie hoodie.

 Schlichter raised the hackles of “Bronies” — grown men who bond over the TV show “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” — with a column published last April. The hastily assembled Band of Pseudo Bronies saw the opportunity for an online fundraiser and quickly surpassed the original fundraising goal of $1,000 in exchange for a little pony love.

Originally posted by by Twitchy Staff

Learn a pony a day: Octavia


 Is the fan-given name of a background Earth pony who appears in The Best Night Ever and Sweet and Elite. She has a dark gray mane and tail, a light gray coat and light purple eyes, with the same eye design as Rarity, the spa ponies, and several background ponies, except for the iris.


While the show does not specifically identify Octavia's instrument, the trading card states that it is a cello. William Anderson, the show's composer, has relayed to Equestria Daily that the music playing at the garden party in Sweet and Elite features a harp, two violins, and a cello, which pegs Octavia as a cellist. The show's director, Jayson Thiessen, figures the instrument is a cello as it's "more sophisticated and appropriate for the gala".